Thursday, August 4, 2011


I was diagnosed with stage II ovarian cancer on May 18th, 2011.

 I had been having horrible menstrual pain and unbelievable bleeding for years, but it got increasingly worse in the six months prior to diagnosis. There was nothing "normal" about my menstrual cycle. To save you all from to much detail, I will just say the pain was debilitating. The bleeding was unreal. I needed this to stop. I had asked over and over for a hysterectomy. I knew that would stop the bleeding and hopefully the pain. I was brushed off over and over. FINALLY, after being at work and bleeding uncontrollably and doubled over in intense pain, I got help. My help came in the form of a physicians assistant. She thought I may have been hemorrhaging, so she immediately did an examination she felt a mass on my left ovary, so went on to do an internal ultra sound. That is when the lump was found of my right ovary. Biopsy's, blood work, a CAT scan and more ultra sounds followed. I have stage II  Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.

1 comment:

  1. SuzAnne
    you are a very strong person you remind me in alot of ways of my sister in law julia she fought for three years with breast cancer then it truned in to boone cancer and then went to brain cancer if there is one thing i can tell you that i will always remember is the amazing fight that she put are strong wounderful amazing ,wounderful wife and mother fight with everything that you have...if it is ok i would love to put you on a prayer are in my prayers everyday...keep fighting and remember you always have friends and family around ya girl
