Monday, August 15, 2011

Had a great weekend.

I had a such a nice weekend! I felt pretty good all weekend long too! Tired, but that seems to be a daily thing lately.

Saturday I drove for the first time in weeks. Felt good! Madison and I went to the movies and saw The Help. It was a nice day. Later that evening David and I went to dinner with some co workers. It was so nice, I had not seen them in two months. I go back to work a week from today, I am excited! I will say I am worried too, I go back to work Monday and have my second treatment that Wed. If I have the same type side effects as I did after round 1 I will NOT be able to work Friday and Saturday. I am just going to think the best and say a prayer!

Got off track there, sorry.

Sunday we went to Sequim to the Olympic game park! If you have never been I suggest you go! It was so much fun. I have great pictures and some funny video. If you are friends with me on FB, check them out! When we got home Sunday night I was beyond exhausted!

I'm feeling pretty good today. Tired, of course. Other than that just trying to get some things done around the house this week.

I have to go get my blood drawn again this week. I have to go to the hospital once a week. I think I should have a special parking spot..haha!
I am dealing with more hair loss. Its a good party trick though...look at me I can pull out clumps of hair! I am noticing some bare spots. A few other people have noticed how thin its getting. My daughter likes to point out where there is a spot of hair missing. She is so sweet. One of my moms good friends daughter is a hair dresser, she has offered to come to me to shave my head. I think I may take her up on it. My younger brother and husband have both offered to do it too. I just think maybe a professional will do a better job. I don't know maybe you can't screw up shaving a head...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It could always be worse!

Its been exactly one week since my first chemo treatment. I was told hair loss could start between day 6-15, or at least that is what's most common. I was really, really hoping I would be among the few that do not lose their hair. I am sure each person going through this has similar feelings. No such luck! This is what I gathered off of my pillow this morning...

Not that bad, right?

Later in the morning my dad came over to visit me and drop off the homemade chicken noodle soup my mom made for us. He also brought me the sweetest card from him. (something my dad is NOT known to do) so it meant so much to me! I got up from the couch to make him a cup of coffee and this is what was laying on the pillow....

So, I think it is safe to say that I am going to be rocking the bald look!! Its all good. A friend told me to shave to about 1/2 inch and it should stay that length. So, a party is a must for this! If it has to be done, I should have fun doing it!
I was asked by a few people if I have cried about it yet. Nope. I am sure once I shave it I will shed some tears. I am still in denial. I just keep thinking of something a friend said to me "hair is just an accessory" I love that.

Monday, August 8, 2011

5 days after my first treatment.....

I am finally feeling human today! Wow, what an interesting few days its been! At least I know what to expect for future treatments!!

Yesterday, I was really weak. I could not open my pill bottle or even remove the cap from the toothpaste. I only removed myself from the couch to use the bathroom and to go upstairs to bed. Speaking of stairs, those things are the devil!! Trying to up stairs when you have zero strength is a true chore. I think it took me literally five minutes to get the whole way up. I also had a headache from hell yesterday!

Today I find I still tire VERY easily and don't have my usual strength. I will take that over vomiting and diarrhea any time! My appetite is still gone, have to force myself to eat. I find I do feel sick and nauseated if I do not eat. I can sit up today without it taking everything I've got, which is a real plus too! Also, I ran the vacuum today too. I did have to sit right afterwards, but I did it! (its the little things I tell ya)! 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day two after my first round.

I never knew how much energy took to hold my head upright, until today. Yesterday I did just fine. A tad tired toward the evening but nothing I could not handle. Today is a different story. I am beyond exhausted and I didn't do a darn thing! My belly has been upset all day, dry heaves started as soon as I got up. I was not hungry at all, but my dear husband forced me to eat. Half an orange later and I was done. A few minutes later and that orange was back up and out! I have slept the most of the day, tried watching movies with my daughter, but even that was exhausting. I have stopped vomiting and dry heaving, even after a small bowl of cereal. So, thats good.

 I hate that I have not brushed my hair or even put on a bra today. I feel lazy. I know I am doing what my body is demanding...but, still.

What Cancer CANNOT due!


Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot quench the Spirit.

Author unknown.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chemo round 1

Chemotherapy, never thought that would be something I would be writing about! Life sure does throw us curve balls! I will be doing 6 rounds of Chemo each round will be 21 days apart. So a total of 18 weeks. (yes, I can add) I am sure this will be the longest 18 weeks of my life, some of the most interesting too I presume.

I had my first treatment yesterday, August 3rd. I will tell you something, the nurses that work in this field are among the best. I always thought the nurses that worked in L&D were the best (and they are wonderful, don't get me wrong) however, you have to be a special person to work day in and out watching people fight for their lives. The attitude these nurses have are inspiring! They made me feel comfortable ( as comfortable as one can be while having toxic meds flowing in your veins) safe, and answered each and every question as though it was the first time it was asked. Not to mention funny too! I was relaxed and ready!

My Chemo meds are called Carboplatin and Taxol, or CarboToxol as it was called yesterday! There are various side effects possible such as, fatigue, upset stomach, mouth ulcers, bruising, hair loss, just to name a few.  Who knows what I will experience. Some? Non? Time will tell.

Today is day one following my first treatment and I feel fine. I will say as of this afternoon I am tired, and I have had some stomach upset here and there which passes fast. Nothing I cannot deal with. I will see what tomorrow holds for me. Until then.....

Time for Surgery!

I had my hysterectomy on July 11th, 2011. It was a fight to get my surgery done. Guess cancer is not a reason to get it done quickly! I was terrified to say the least. I had never had any type of surgery before. I was more afraid for my husband and three children than for myself. My worst fear was not waking up, leaving my family. Also, the idea of being put to sleep and having a tube down my throat did not sit well with me!  Needless to say, I did just fine! I woke up and my first questions to the nurse was "am I alive" silly I know!  Everything went well. Surgery was a success!

Recovery at home went well. My kids and husband did an amazing job tending to my every need. Not only did I have my husband and kids, I am blessed to have my parents close by. Mom made meals and brought them over, even made some meals at my house and brought groceries too-- all after a long days work! She, was a huge help!

My house smelled like a flower garden from all the flowers loved ones sent! Not to mention the balloon bouqet and all the get well cards that line up my entertainment stand! I look at the gifts of love and support and cannot help but smile!